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How To Escape a Speeding Ticket By Getting Away With A Warning

Submitted on Mar 30, 2005
Author: Ron B.

Learn the tips on how to act when stopped by a police officer and what to say to increase your chances of getting away with a warning and not being ticketed. If you want to save yourself from the worries and expenses of dealing with a speeding ticket then after reading this article you'll know what to do when stopped by an officer.

If a police patrol car pulls up behind you with lights flashing, the key to the next few minutes is keeping things safe for you and the police officer. Slow down and carefully pull over to the right shoulder, making sure to use your turn signal.

If you are uncomfortable stopping in a relatively unpopulated or unlighted area, slow down, turn on your hazard lights and indicate by a hand signal that you are going up ahead. Then pull over as soon as you get to a more populated area. Police officers understand this concern.

If it's nighttime, turn on your dome light once you have stopped. Stay in the car, unless you are told to get out. It's a challenge to the officer when you get out since officers are very cautious because of the high rate of attacks in these situations.

Roll down the window and keep your hands in view on the steering wheel. If you have to get your driver's license, registration or insurance card from the glove box, a purse or other enclosed area, tell the officer before you do it.

The key is to play it cool and keep it safe. The easier and safer you make the process for the officer to approach you the more likely the officer will let you go just with a warning and not assign you a speeding ticket.

Now what to say to the police officer?

Of course the process of keeping it safe for the officer is only half of the game. Next you have to persuade officer to let you go with a warning.

The first thing the police officer will ask you after stopping your car will probably be whether you know why you have been stopped.

Police officer will want you to admit that you were speeding and that is what most drivers do - they admit that they did actually speed and they receive a speeding ticket for it. A speeding ticket not only costs them 0 but you are also dealing with your insurance premiums.

Most people get pretty nervous when they got stopped by an officer. The secret is to stay calm, speak to the officer in respectable tone and politely ask whether the officer can let you go with a warning.

The first question the officer will probably ask is whether you know why you have been stopped. You basically have 3 things to say:

1) Admit that you were speeding. The good side is that you are being honest and the officer appreciates it. You may have a chance that the officer will let you go with a warning.

The bad side is that if you get assigned a ticket and you had admitted that you were indeed speeding then it will be used against you at court. Officers usually take notes on what you say. So if you feel that you will get assigned a speeding ticket then you really shouldn't directly admit that you were speeding.

2) Deny that you were speeding. This approach usually creates tension between you and the police officer. If you don't have a reasonable argument to convince the officer that you weren't speeding then you will get assigned a ticket.

The good side for this approach is that you will have more chance to beating your speeding ticket at court, since you didn't admit that you were speeding.

3) Don't admit that you were speeding but neither deny it. This approach may actually be the best one. When the officer says that you were stopped for speeding you can say: "Oh, I see…" and then you can, in a respectful voice, give an excuse to an officer that you didn't notice your speed bar or was too tired after work or any other excuse that doesn't sound right downright lies.

You can learn a lot more of effective tactics to on how to persuade a police officer to let you go with a warning and successfully beat the speeding ticket at court from:

About the Author:

Ron B. offers advice on how to successfully beat speeding tickets. If you have been caught speeding, assigned a ticket or just want to make sure you do not get one then visit and find all the information you need on how to beat speeding tickets.

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